Join Merton
Application for Membership
At Step 1 of the Application for Membership of Merton u3a, we need to know how you prefer to be kept up to date.
At Step 2, on a different website with a different look, you will complete your application, pay your subscription and immediately become a Merton u3a member (or two joint members).
Because the two steps are managed on two different websites, we have to ask your name and email address at each stage, so that we can match up your answers afterwards.
Email Updates
We send a monthly Email Update with a roundup of the current news. It is the best way to keep right up to date with Merton u3a activities without having to remember to look at the website.
Merton u3a publishes a Newsletter four times a year. It carries news of forthcoming events, reports of recent activities and other articles of general interest. It comes as a PDF document attached to an email, and there's an archive of backnumbers available on the website.
Third Age Matters
The national u3a body, Third Age Trust, publishes a magazine, Third Age Matters (TAM) mailed to members' homes. It carries news of u3a activities throughout the UK. TAM is published five times a year – in February, April, June, September and November. Members are entitled to a free copy but you can opt out if you prefer.
The annual subscription is £16 for one person or £27 for two at the same address. If you join in June, July or August, your subscription will be valid until 31 August in the following year.