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To make use of this page, you must be a member of Merton u3a. If you aren't, you can find out all about it and join us online in about ten minutes! Just click the button above.

Members: View your membership record and Renew your subscription

You can see the details we hold and renew your subscription on Beacon, the site which has been developed by and for the u3a movement and where many u3a organisations including Merton u3a now keep our membership records.

For improved security, Beacon has introduced an individual login procedure which means that to use Beacon, you will need first to set up a personal login comprising a user name, which is the same as your email address, and a password. That's not the same login that you use to sign in at the Merton u3a website (this website). So you will have two separate logins; one for the Merton u3a website* where you find out about forthcoming u3a events and activities, and another for Beacon, where you can see your membership record and keep your subscription up to date.

*If you don't already have a sign in for this site, you are missing out on all the information here which is restricted to members only. That's the contact details of Group Leaders, and any other information that includes contact details of other members. Please use the procedure shown below to apply for your login at this site.

To get a login at Beacon, where your personal details are already recorded, you will need to prove your identity. You need your membership number, your first name, surname, email address and postcode as they appear in the membership record. You only need to go through this process once; when you have completed it, you will have a user name and password which will be all you need in future to access your record. 

To find the necessary details, you could refer to the confirmation email you should have received when you joined, or when you last renewed. Search emails from and look for the date you joined or renewed. Renewals are due on 1 September each year.

If you are a member of Merton u3a but you don't have a login (user name and password) for this site, you can sign up now as a website member. That will allow you to see the contact details of Group Leaders, and various other members only content. To sign up for website membership and create your log in, 

  • Open the home page of this website in a new tab, so that you can still refer to these instructions (Hold the Shift and Ctrl keys, and click "Home" in the menu above. 

  • In the new tab that opens, at the top right, click Log in / Sign up.

  • On the Log in page, next to "New to this site?", click Sign up.

  • Fill out the form, providing a password of your choice and click Sign up.

  • That will generate an email to you, acknowledging your application for website membership, and a prompt to the webmaster to approve your application.

  • When the webmaster approves your application, you'll get another email confirming that your Log in will now work.  

  • After that, each time you visit the website, click Log in / Sign up again, but just enter your email address and password, and you will be signed in and able to see the members only content.

Copyright © 2020 - 2025 by Merton u3a.

Registered Charity No 291074

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